The best decision of my life. And I don’t know what the second best was, but it’s not close. A year ago I didn’t have a motorcycle license, had never taught a kid a thing, and didn’t speak a word of French. Now I’ve been a ski instructor at Vail, rode 10,000Km through South and Central Europe, and can almost fluently say “mon francaise, c’est pas tres bien”. I spent a night on the ground by my bike in Mljet (a nature reserve/paradise island in Croatia), I learned to do backflips (into water), read more than I did in college, swam in the Mediterranean a hundred times. I saw an F1 race for free (from afar), biked through Croatian islands, sailed across the Aegean, and contemplated more sunsets and sunrises than in my last ten years combined.

I met so many great people it’s hard for my brain to process how many people one can meet and care about.

Why did I stop? All this travelling has made me more human, more eager to contribute to the world. Travelling seemed like it was about to become a routine, I’m ready to contribute with more than my good humor.

So here I am, in New York City, figuring out what the best way to do that is.

Thanks to everyone that was a part of this, the good times spent together will not be quickly forgotten. Thank you for your smiles, for your help when I needed it, for being a voice that yells out how great the world is and how many great people are out there, ready to teach you something, and to be your friends.

If I had one recurring thought, it has been on how to make the world a better place. To me, it is key to realize we are humans before being anything else. We are ALL human, we ALL come from the same tribe millions of years ago. Thinking of ourselves as human instead of (American/Catholic/Hispanic/Arab/etc) will not solve every problem, but I believe it’s a good start.

Hope you enjoy the pictures… please keep in touch!

2015-07-29 13.06.402015-06-07 15.19.032015-08-10 13.14.202015-08-11 16.04.472015-07-29 12.20.222015-08-20 16.26.222015-09-01 15.03.242015-08-15 18.18.312015-09-06 19.33.102015-08-01 14.04.362015-08-13 17.11.292015-08-02 19.55.512015-08-26 16.09.332015-08-04 23.57.572015-09-12 02.19.222015-08-16 20.20.542015-08-06 19.24.342015-08-25 16.39.382015-08-18 14.25.242015-08-01 23.36.122015-08-20 19.56.122015-08-02 19.55.382015-08-19 02.00.432015-08-25 21.05.122015-07-27 19.48.052015-08-27 19.48.152015-08-02 05.40.302015-07-30 20.14.302015-08-27 20.14.102015-08-01 23.48.442015-08-02 05.07.032015-07-25 19.11.282015-08-25 16.44.252015-09-15 22.35.08

5 Responses

  1. Hola Pedri, que lindos viajes hiciste, los lugares y personas que conociste quizás no se quedarán todos grabados en tu cerebro, pero si en tu corazón. Me alegro mucho por ti y deseo que pronto encuentres la otra parte que andas buscando para completar tu felicidad. No te apresures, piensa bien lo que quieres y cuando estés seguro de encontrarlo, entonces dá el paso.

    Tienes razón en decir que lo más importante es que seamos humanos y como tales aprendamos a convivir en armonía.

    Aquí en tu casa siempre tendrás apoyo y alegría, pero sobre todo AMOR y RESPETO!

  2. Felicidades Pitero!Te admiro por tomarte el tiempo para descubrir lo que descubriste.
    Un abrazo!

    Sent from my Samsung device

  3. Bien Pedro, pero no te preocupes tanto por el camino que tomes, lo que es importante es que al final llegues al destino correcto, tu encuentro con Dios a través de su hijo Jesucristo. Solo Él te podrá dar todo lo que estás buscando, solo Él le dará propósito a tu vida!

  4. Peter, gracias por compartir tus momentos inolvidables. Nos llevasted e viaje contigo. Se ve que este viaje ha sido una gran experiencia en tu vida. Un super beso. Ale

  5. Nave de experiencia!! “So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.”
    ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! LOVE YOU!!

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